How to use

Dashboard Player Explorer Team Planner Fixtures Find your ID

Fixture Difficulty Rating

Fixture Difficulty Rating here is slightly different from FPL Fixture Difficulty Rating but it is still relied on that data from FPL. Open FPL Fixture Difficulty Rating is calculated from teams home/away attack/defence strength provided by FPL.

Difficulty Color Codes

Very Easy
Very Hard

Team Strength

Each team is assigned with strengh in attack and defence in both home and away separately. This value is provided by FPL API but if you disagree with these values you can change them in Edit Teams Strength Pannel.

Editing Team Strength

Simply click "Edit Teams Strength" on the top right of the page. The pannel will show up and allow you edit each team strength using a slider. Once you edit the strength, the strength of the particular aspect of that team will no longer synced with Offical FPL. You can always click "Reset" button to go back to the default settings. Once you are done, the Fixtures Difficulty Rating table will automatically update with the strength values.

Rearranging Team Fixtures

In order to make it easier for you to compare Fixtures Difficulty Rating between teams, the table allow you to rearrange the rows by simply dragging the icon at the first column with the team short name.

Alternatively, you can sort the table based on each week difficulty by clicking on the menu button at the header row besides each gameweek and choose a sort option that you like.